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Executarea proiectelor de construcții prin prisma Codului Urbanismului și Construcțiilor

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dc.contributor.advisor CROITORU, Gheorghe CALIN, Dumitru 2025-02-25T16:42:01Z 2025-02-25T16:42:01Z 2025
dc.identifier.citation CALIN, Dumitru. Executarea proiectelor de construcții prin prisma Codului Urbanismului și Construcțiilor. Teză de master. Program de studii Managementul proiectelor în construcții. Conducător ştiinţific CROITORU Gheorghe. Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei. Chișinău, 2025. en_US
dc.description Fişierul ataşat conţine: Rezumat, Summary, Cuprins, Introducere, Bibliografie. en_US
dc.description.abstract Lucrarea identifică necesitatea unui cadru legislativ mai bine corelat și a unei supravegheri eficiente pentru dezvoltarea sustenabilă. Necesitatea unui cadru legislativ clar și coerent, alături de mecanisme operaționale, sunt cheia pentru crearea unui mediu construit sigur, durabil și modernizat. Autorul propune măsuri de consolidare a rolului autorităților și de responsabilizare a părților implicate în procesul de construcție. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei en_US
dc.rights The paper identifies the need for a better coordinated legislative framework and effective monitoring for sustainable development. The need for a clear and coherent legislative framework, together with operational mechanisms, are key to creating a safe, sustainable and modernized built environment. The author proposes measures to strengthen the role of the authorities and the accountability of the parties involved in the construction process. en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject legislație în construcții en_US
dc.subject siguranță en_US
dc.subject controlul calității en_US
dc.subject verificatori de proiecte en_US
dc.subject construcții ilegale en_US
dc.subject dezvoltare durabilă en_US
dc.subject autorizare en_US
dc.subject probleme legislative en_US
dc.subject construction legislation en_US
dc.subject safety en_US
dc.subject quality control en_US
dc.subject quality control en_US
dc.subject project inspectors en_US
dc.subject illegal construction en_US
dc.subject sustainable development en_US
dc.subject authorization en_US
dc.subject authorization en_US
dc.subject legislative problems en_US
dc.title Executarea proiectelor de construcții prin prisma Codului Urbanismului și Construcțiilor en_US
dc.title.alternative Execution of construction projects through the prism of the Urban Planning and Construction Code en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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The paper identifies the need for a better coordinated legislative framework and effective monitoring for sustainable development. The need for a clear and coherent legislative framework, together with operational mechanisms, are key to creating a safe, sustainable and modernized built environment. The author proposes measures to strengthen the role of the authorities and the accountability of the parties involved in the construction process. Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as The paper identifies the need for a better coordinated legislative framework and effective monitoring for sustainable development. The need for a clear and coherent legislative framework, together with operational mechanisms, are key to creating a safe, sustainable and modernized built environment. The author proposes measures to strengthen the role of the authorities and the accountability of the parties involved in the construction process.

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