IRTUM – Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Moldova

Executarea proiectelor de construcții prin prisma Codului Urbanismului și Construcțiilor

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The paper identifies the need for a better coordinated legislative framework and effective monitoring for sustainable development. The need for a clear and coherent legislative framework, together with operational mechanisms, are key to creating a safe, sustainable and modernized built environment. The author proposes measures to strengthen the role of the authorities and the accountability of the parties involved in the construction process. Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as The paper identifies the need for a better coordinated legislative framework and effective monitoring for sustainable development. The need for a clear and coherent legislative framework, together with operational mechanisms, are key to creating a safe, sustainable and modernized built environment. The author proposes measures to strengthen the role of the authorities and the accountability of the parties involved in the construction process.

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