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Producţia şi calitatea boabelor orzului de toamnă Dostoinîi în experienţe polifactoriale

Show simple item record DUBIŢ, Daniela BURDUJAN, Victor RURAC, Mihail MELNIC, Angela ROTARI, Eugen 2025-01-15T09:29:23Z 2025-01-15T09:29:23Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation DUBIŢ, Daniela, BURDUJAN, V., RURAC, M. et al. Producţia şi calitatea boabelor orzului de toamnă Dostoinîi în experienţe polifactoriale. In: Direcţiile de modernizare a cercetărilor ameliorative şi tehnologice la culturile cerealiere şi leguminoase: conf. intern., 29-30 iun. 2021, Bălţi. Chişinău: S. n. 2021 (F. E. P „Tipografia Centrală”), pp. 267-274. ISBN 978-9975-53-508-3. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-53-508-3
dc.description.abstract The paper presents multiannual data on the production and quality of winter barley kernels of the Dostoinii variety in multifactorial experiments carried out during 2015-2018, in the conditions of the central area of the Republic of Moldova. It was established that on average, on experience, the winter barley variety Dostoinii achieved the highest productions after pea as a precursor - 3346 kg/ha, significantly exceeding the production obtained after the precursor vetch with oats by 905 kg/ ha (27.0% ) and after sunflower with 979 kg/ha (29.3%). In the case of sowing terms, the optimal one was highlighted, ensuring higher yields after pea (3507 kg) and sunflower (2566 kg/ha), and after the spring vetch with oats the admissible one (2702 kg/ha). The share of influence on kernels production is 56.50% precursors, 26.03% sowing terms and 1.70% sowing density. The accumulation of protein substances was not significantly influenced by the studied factors, ranging between 12.20% and 13.64%. The maximum protein yield was recorded after the pea as a precursor, being 371.1 kg/ha from the higher grain production. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject calitatea seminţelor en_US
dc.subject epocă de semănat en_US
dc.subject orz de toamnă en_US
dc.subject soiuri en_US
dc.subject winter barley en_US
dc.subject varieties en_US
dc.subject sowing date en_US
dc.subject seed quality en_US
dc.subject agroclimatic zones en_US
dc.title Producţia şi calitatea boabelor orzului de toamnă Dostoinîi în experienţe polifactoriale en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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