Консервативное земледелие кардинально отличается от традиционного не только технологическими, экологическими, экономическими, но и социальными, и моральными аспектами. Новый вид сельского хозяйства появился благодаря ...
Применение гиббереллина в технологии выращивания столовых сортов винограда в большинстве стран мира, является обязательным агротехническим приемом, который приводит к значительным изменениям морфологических и механических ...
Сберегающее земледелие, или Ноу-тилл, как часто называют новую систему земледелия, в последнее десятилетие начало распространяться с огромной скоростью во всём мире. Движителями повсеместного движения в сторону новой системы ...
Исследования проведены на бессемянных (Loose perlette, Monukka, Мечта), с функционально-женским типом цветка (Талисман) и семенных сортах винограда (Кардинал, Мускат гамбургский, Кодрянка, Презентабил), привитых на подвое ...
Incrustation of seed of winter barley drugs and steroid glycosides Moldstim Ecostim leads to a change in photosynthetic activity of plants in fields. Under the influence of growth regulators are: increasing the leaf area ...
Исследования проведены в центральной и южной зонах виноградарства Республики Молдова. Изучено влияние препарата Gobbi Gib 2LG (GA3) на морфологические и биологические особенности, а также продуктивность кустов и качество ...
Исследованы морфо-физиологические параметры роста листовой поверхности Каберне-Совиньон Cl R5 и Мерло Cl 348 привитых на B×R Kober 5BB при разных способах ведения прироста кустов (свисающий и вертикальный). Установлена ...
Изучено действие препарата Gobbi Gib 2LG (GA3) на морфобиологические показатели, урожайность и качество ягод столовых сортов винограда в условиях Центральной и Южной зон Республики Молдова (РМ). Установлено, что обработка ...
This article presents the data of an experiment were a winter triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) variety Ingen 93 was studied depending on the previous plants (dry pea and vetch + oats), sown in three different sowing ...
Erbicidele - substanțe chimice, destinate combaterii buruienilor în terenurile cultivate,au devenit în ultimul timp cele mai importante inputuri agricole. Ele se utilizează atât pe câmpuri, cât și în gospodării de diferite ...
This study is one of such strategic knowledge products and uses a state of the art innovation and scaling methodologies in agricultural research for development, Scaling Readiness. Scaling Readiness is a decision support ...
The economic, environmental and social challenges faced by modern agriculture impose the necessity of adopting a new paradigm for the sustainable enhancement of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova. The factors that ...
The paper presents multiannual data on the production and quality of winter barley kernels of the Dostoinii variety in multifactorial experiments carried out during 2015-2018, in the conditions of the central area of the ...
Una din limitările în utilizare a porumbului este conţinutul scăzut de proteină în bob, dar şi valoare biologică redusă cauzată de deficienţe în lizină şi triptofan. Scopul cercetării constă în studierea conţinutului de ...
The aim of this research was to assess the influence of some technological elements upon productivity and quality of winter durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), during of four agricultural years (2010-2014). ...
In this paper we aimed at studying the influence of different doses of opaque-2 gene (number of recessive alleles) in endosperm on amino acid composition of grain protein from tetraploid maize in comparison to diploid ...
Maize is an important souse of vegetable protein. However, maize grains contain low protein and the protein is of poor quality, due to deficiencies in essential amino acids like lysine and tryptophan. Conventional breeding ...
Maize (Zea mays L.) is considered a diploid species (2x=20). In the experimental polyploid series of maize, the only forms of practical importance are tetraploids (4x = 40). The first tetraploid forms of maize were obtained ...
Obiectivul cercetării constă în obţinerea formelor tetraploide la porumb prin tratarea cu colchicină în vederea studiului expresiei genei opaque-2, ce determină o sporire esenţială a conţinutului de lizină şi triptofan în ...
This paper aims to present the results of biochemical analysis of diploid and tetraploid maize grains that contain the Opaque-2 (o2) gene. As a result of the study it was revealed that tetraploid grains show higher protein ...