The paper presents the 4-year data on the behaviour of local winter triticale varieties Ingen 35 and Ingen 93 in multifactorial field experiments. The highest yields of winter triticale varieties were recorded after the forerunner grain peas: Ingen 35 - 3632 kg/ha and Ingen 93 - 3744 kg/ha. Referring to the planting dates, the highest yields were recorded on the optimal planting dates. Ingen 35 variety provided yields at the level of 4265 kg/ha after the forerunner grain peas, 3448 kg/ha after the forerunner vetch-oat and 2770 kg/ha after the forerunner sunflower. The Ingen 93 variety recorded yields of 4176 kg/ha after the forerunner grain peas, 3778 kg/ha after vetch-oat and 2929 kg/ha after the forerunner sunflower. In the case of the seeding rate, the highest yields were obtained for the variant 5.0 mln/ha, which ensured 3161 kg/ha for the Ingen 93 variety and 3077 kg/ha for the Ingen 35 variety. The dominant influence degree on the grain production belongs to the forerunner crop: 67.11% for Ingen 35 and 73.16% for Ingen 93. The influence of the planting dates was of 31.92% and 25.56% respectively for the varieties. The highest percentage of protein content was recorded after the forerunner grain peas – 14.11% for the Ingen 93 variety. It was established the tendency to increase the protein content from the optimal to the late planting dates for both varieties and after all forerunner crops. The highest protein yield was recorded after the forerunner grain peas in both varieties: 426.1 kg/ha for Ingen 35 and 435.5 kg/ha for Ingen 93.