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Comparative earthworm research in various ecosystems with different anthropic impact

Show simple item record ANDRIUCĂ, Valentina GÎRLA, Daniela IORDACHE, Mădălina 2025-01-10T09:44:08Z 2025-01-10T09:44:08Z 2012
dc.identifier.citation ANDRIUCĂ, Valentina, GÎRLA, Daniela, IORDACHE, Mădălina. Comparative earthworm research in various ecosystems with different anthropic impact. In: Research Journal of Agricultural Science. 2012, vol. 44(3), pp. 149-153. ISSN 2066-1843. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2066-1843
dc.description.abstract Using pedofauna research in the integrated agro-ecological monitoring is a necessary perspective, considering that some populations, such as earthworms, characterize the potential soil fertility, health quality and vitality, providing thus ecological stability. Research of pedofauna with positive role for soil fertility allows to monitor the vitality and activity of soil biota and to avoid the critical levels. The present research was conducted in long term field experiments (41 years), in crop rotation, and in monoculture (55 years) at the Didactic Experimental Station "Chetrosu" of the State Agrarian University of Moldova, from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Earthworms’ numerical research was performed in six different crop agroecosystems, forest strip and in the Scientific Reserve "Codrii". There were investigated the morphological and physicalchemical features of the soil, which was diagnosed as chernozem (FAO System). Earthworms have been collected in soil samples by 0,25 m2, in 8 repetitions, removing the soil up to 40 cm depth, in layers of 10 cm and further quantitative measurements (number, weight, abundance) were made. Also, the formaldehyde method of earthworm extraction from soil was used (ISO 23611-1/2006). According to research results, the earthworm density in the soil of different field agro-ecosystems can be arranged in the following decreasing range: fallow, alfalfa, wheat, corn, sun-flower, peas. As concerning the distribution by depth horizons, was found a larger earthworm number in the tillage soil, in the horizons with humus, roots and plant debris totally or partially decayed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject earthworms en_US
dc.subject agroecosystems en_US
dc.subject Pisum sativum en_US
dc.subject Helianthus annuus en_US
dc.subject Zea mays en_US
dc.subject Triticum aestivum en_US
dc.subject Medicago sativa en_US
dc.subject fallow systems en_US
dc.subject monitoring en_US
dc.subject chernozems en_US
dc.subject râme en_US
dc.subject agroecosisteme en_US
dc.subject asolamente en_US
dc.subject cernoziomuri en_US
dc.title Comparative earthworm research in various ecosystems with different anthropic impact en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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