PALADI, D.; MIJA, N.(Iasi University of Life Sciences, 2024)
This paper presents the results of analyzing of chemical composition and some bioactive components such as phenols, carotenoids, carbohydrates and minerals in one of a product of plant origin, namely, in pumpkin. High ...
RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDIC, Valeriu; VALUŢA, Ana; DJUR, Svetlana; MISCU, Vera; IAȚCO, Iulia; ZOSIM, Liliana; ROTARI, Ion; TAŞCA, Valentina(Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
Processes for cultivating the red marine microalga Porphyridium cruentum are proposed to obtain biomass with a high omega-3 lipid content. According to procedures, microalga cultivation is carried out in nutrient media ...
MACARI, Vasile; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; ROTARU, Ana; CHISELIȚA, Natalia; EFREMOVA, Nadejda; MAȚENCU, Dmitrii(Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
The invention relates to animal husbandry, in particular to a method of increasing the productive potential of rabbit kits. The technical result is conditioned by the use of the biologically active microbial preparation ...
CORCIMARU, Serghei; GUȚUL, Tatiana; MERENIU, Lilia; SÎTNIC, Feodora; LUPU, Maria(Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
The invention aims at recycling low-density polyethylene (LDPE). It refers to a LDPE film destruction procedure consisting of 3 consecutive stages: (a) LDPE photooxidation by UV radiation, (b) LDPE treatment by a nanocomposite ...
CHISELIȚA, Natalia; CARAMAN, Mariana; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; MAȘNER, Oleg; PETCU, Igori(Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2024)
A method of increasing the efficiency of the clostridiosis treatment of chickens is proposed, which includes the administration of the complex microbial preparation, in a proportion of 4% in the composition of the chicken ...
IACOB, M. I.; DEMCIUC, Yu. I.(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
This article discusses issues related to the synchronization of the information signal in single-frequency networks of digital television broadcasting DVB-T2. As an example, are presented the configuration parameters of a ...
IACOB, M. I.; DEMCIUC, Yu. I.(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
In this paper, a study was conducted of practical methods for estimating the total field strength in the service area of a single-frequency DVB-T2 network. To accomplish the task, measurements were made of the field strength ...
IACOB, M. I.; DEMCIUC, Yu. I.; AVRAM, I. A.(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018)
In this article are presented theoretical principles with coding of frequency multiplexing of orthogonal carrier frequencies. Was performed a comparative evaluation of the qualitative parameters of the DVB-T2 signal in the ...
IACOB, M.I.; DEMCIUC, I.I.; AVRAM, I.A.(State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications, Ukraine, 2018)
In this article the technical aspects related to the planning, implementation and configuration of the networks with a single frequency DVB-T2 have been approached, having as an example the experience gained with the ...
ЯКОБ, М.И.; ДЕМЧУК, Ю.И.; АВРАМ, И. А.(State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications, Ukraine, 2017)
Даны теоретические основы принципа СОFDM (Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Выполнена сравнительная оценка качественных параметров сигнала DVB-T2 в зоне покрытия синхронной сети. Анализ основан на результатах ...
IACOB, Mihail; DEMCIUC, Iurie(State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications, Ukraine, 2016)
The paper contains the description of the current situation in the Republic of Moldova and the necessary conditions for the transition to digital terrestrial television. It explained the division of the territory of the ...
ЯКОБ, Михаил Ильич; ДЕМЧУК, Юрий Иванович; АВРАМ, Ион Андреевич(Московский Технический Университет Связи и Информатики, 2019)
Рассмотрены технические аспекты, касающиеся развертывания одночастотных сетей цифрового телевизионного вещания. В качестве примера представлены конфигурационные параметры первого национального мультиплекса DVB-Т2 в Республике ...
ЯКОБ, Михаил Ильич; ДЕМЧУК, Юрий Иванович; АВРАМ, Ион Андреевич(Московский Технический Университет Связи и Информатики, 2018)
Для прогнозирования зон покрытия наземным радиосигналом могут быть использованы модели представленные в рекомендациях МСЭ-R. Специалисты профильных предприятий Республики Молдова длительное время с успехом используют ...
VIERU, Dmitrii(Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
Scopul lucrării: stabilirea impactului surselor de generare distribuită conectate în rețelele electrice de joasă tensiune cu sarcini distribuite asupra calității energiei electrice prin elaborarea unor metode noi de calcul ...
MORARU, Dumitru(Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
Scopul tezei: cercetarea și elaborarea algoritmilor de conducere în sisteme de conducere automată cu modele matematice de obiecte cu avans-întârziere, astatism și timp mort cu performanțe și robustețe ridicate. Noutatea ...
BALAN, Stela; TUTUNARU, Irina; IROVAN, Marcela; MANOLE, Maria("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2016)
The work examines the assurance of maximum correspondence between the product support surface shape and the shape of human body by selecting the optimum initial data and use of adequate techniques for designing the basic ...
BALAN, Stela; TUTUNARU, Irina; IROVAN, Marcela; MANOLE, Maria("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2016)
The work examines the problem of elaborating the contours of basic templates of shoulder-
supported tricot products for women. The scope of this work resides in determining the factors affecting the quality of positioning ...
CAZAC, Viorica; CANGAȘ, Svetlana("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2016)
The World Health Organization reveals the existence of about 285 million people with impaired sight and about 39 millions of persons who do not see anything [1]. On these terms, it is important to find and use different ...
CAZAC, Viorica; CANGAȘ, Svetlana("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2016)
The paper presents a study of the possibilities of using calligraphic elements in the customization process of textiles, clothes and clothing accessories. These elements were analyzed considering the relation between the ...
CANGAS, Svetlana; CAZAC, Viorica("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2016)
The accessories have always played an essential role in costume appearance because they define the final profile of the wearer. Beginning with the Middle Ages, the Church established that all women should cover their heads ...