Facultatea Tehnologia Alimentelor: Recent submissions

  • CECLU, Liliana; ROSCA-SADURSCHI, Liudmila; BUNEA, Marina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The natural biopolymers can be produced from polysaccharides, such as starch (rice, potato, wheat and corn), cellulose (straw and wood), chitin (crustaceans and insects), lignin (various plants) and, also, from proteins ...
  • COJOCARI, Daniela; MACARI, Artur; SANDULACHI, Elisaveta (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The research focuses particularly on basil, thyme and tarragon as an alternative natural antioxidants and antimicrobials with potential use in the meat industry. Use of herbs and spices essential oils in meat products may ...
  • CUȘMENCO, Tatiana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    In this work, there were examined the rheological attributes of yogurt processed from a mixture of goat and cow milk (series I) and actual goat milk (series II) supplemented with black chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa, ...
  • STURZA, Rodica; BÎLICI, Constantin (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The increase in the competitiveness of wines from the Republic of Moldova is extremely current. In order to provide the domestic wine industry with a base on foreign markets, its production must reach an internationally ...
  • TSIUNDYK, Oleksandr; LAPINSKAYA, Alla; FIHURSKA, Liudmyla; CHERNEHA, Ilona (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Based on the analysis of the problems of using fresh potato peelings in the production of mixed fodders, their physical properties, chemical and microbiological indicators were studied, which distinguishes potato peelings ...
  • CARTASEV, Anatoli (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The aim of current study was to update the knowledge about diversity and concentration of lactic acid bacteria in Moldovan cheese at different levels of maturity. For the quantification of lactobacilli, lactococci, yeasts, ...
  • BOIȘTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; SIMINIUC, Rodica; ȚURCANU, Dinu; REȘITCA, Vladislav (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This study evaluated the use of local raw materials: grape juice, wine vinegar and natural honey to replace artificial additives in the production of natural gummy candies. Summarizing the analysis of the organoleptic ...
  • CHETRARIU, Ancuța; DABIJA, Adriana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The studies carried out were based on the use of spent grain in recipes for the manufacture of pasta, wafers and an assortment of ginger bread. The level of consumer acceptability was relatively high, averaging up to 15% ...
  • MATRAN, Irina Mihaela; VLĂSCEANU, Gabriela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Unlike meat obtained from cell cultures, for which there are currently no European Regulations for authorization as an ingredient/new food in the European Union (EU) and no legislative regulation regarding the labeling of ...
  • TURCULEȚ, Nadejda; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The purpose of the research was to study the impact of the addition of vegetable powders from sea buckthorn berries on the pathogenic microflora Bacillus subtilis and the baking conditions on the proliferation of these ...
  • SUHODOL, Natalia; COVALIOV, Eugenia; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; BOIȘTEAN, Alina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Lactase deficiency is associated with a decrease in the activity of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down the milk sugar lactose. The problem of lactose intolerance is especially relevant for children of the first years ...
  • BULGARU, Viorica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of beef dry aging for 14, 21, 28 and 35 days on the color change through L*, a* and b* values. For analysis, Simmental beef was cut, sliced from the carcass: T-bons and ...
  • MITINA, Irina; TUMANOVA, Lidia; MITIN, Valentin; GRAJDIERU, Cristina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    An alternative method for detection of mycotoxins themselves would be detecting the fungi, capable of producing mycotoxins, in food samples. In this work, we show the results of the real-time PCR analysis of four corn ...
  • NЕTRЕBА, Nаtаliа; SАNDU, Iuliаnа; MАСАRI, Аrtur; BОЕSTЕАN, Оlgа; BAERLE, Alexei; DIАNU, Irinа (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Sea buckthorn has nutritional and medicinal value, which makes it an attractive object of study for scientists around the world. Sea buckthorn berries contain many sugars, organic acids, vitamins, amino acids, etc., which ...
  • CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; ȚIȚEI, Victor; BOIȘTEAN, Alina; COVALIOV, Eugenia; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; ZACUŢELU, Marcel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    It was recommended to use raw Jerusalem artichoke flour since its hygroscopicity is quite low and can therefore be stored longer, preferably at a temperature of 15-20°C and in a dry environment. The monomolecular capacity ...
  • GEORGESCU, Ana-Maria; ARUS, Alisa-Vasilica; PLATON, Nicoleta; MUNTIANU, Gabriela; NARDOU, Françoise; NISTOR, Ileana-Denisa (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Our experimental research has focused on the production of adsorbents based on ceramic nanomaterials that are sufficiently efficient for the depollution of industrial liquid effluents. The adsorption of lead ions from ...
  • CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; NISTIRIUC, Alexandru; LITVIN, Aurelia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Gourmet holidays are the best opportunities to discover new wine varieties or traditional culinary dishes. The Republic of Moldova has a poorly developed gastronomic tourism potential, but this is highlighted by the existence ...
  • COVALIOV, Eugenia; POPOVICI, Violina; RESITCA, Vladislav; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of awareness of pregnant women from the Republic of Moldova of the nutrition importance during pregnancy for the health of the future newborn. The study was conducted based ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; COVALIOV, Eugenia; RADU, Oxana; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; SUHODOL, Natalia; BOIȘTEAN, Alina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Goji berries have been known for over 2000 years in Tibet and have been used in traditional Chinese medicine because of the many benefits they provide to the human body. Recently, the interest in goji berries has grown ...
  • ȘAITAN, Olesea; ȚARNĂ, Ruslan; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    There was studying the influence of sourdough with different content of brewer's spent grain on the microbiological safety of wheat bread during storage. Analyzing the results obtained, it was found that the first signs ...

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