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Culture system of trees fruit production efficiency in relation to density of planting trees

Show simple item record BALAN, Valerian 2025-02-19T08:16:23Z 2025-02-19T08:16:23Z 2009
dc.identifier.citation BALAN, Valerian. Culture system of trees fruit production efficiency in relation to density of planting trees. In: Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului. 2009, vol. XIV (XLX), pp. 21-24. ISSN 1453-1275. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1453-1275
dc.description.abstract The fruit-growing system is determined by the methods and technological tools by which is achieved using soil as a main source of production. The concept of fruit-growing system is used to integrate the relationships between the genetic characteristics of the soil with the technological and economic factors governing productivity. Before choosing the biological material, the planting distances and the crown form, the first and more important step is to define precisely the envisaged objectives. These objectives are very important whereas they depend on the yield and quality of fruit production on the surface unity in the dynamics during the operation. In this article we have studied the plant density and the productive potential of the plantation according to the geometric structure of the canopy. During the ontogenesis period the highest phytoproductivity was obtained at the distance of 4,5 - 5 m between row spacing and 2,5 - 3 m within row - spacing. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject plant population en_US
dc.subject fruit trees en_US
dc.subject rootstocks en_US
dc.subject maximum sustainable yield en_US
dc.subject populaţie vegetală en_US
dc.subject pomi en_US
dc.subject portaltoaie en_US
dc.subject productivitate en_US
dc.title Culture system of trees fruit production efficiency in relation to density of planting trees en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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