The Republic of Moldova has expressed a strong commitment to European integration, with agricultural policy alignment being a key aspect of this process. The EU accession process involves multiple stages, including the alignment of national policies and regulations with EU standards. Specific Steps and Progress was signed in 2014 Association Agreement and DCFTA. Moldova has been progressively harmonizing its agricultural policies and regulations with EU acquis communautaire. This includes food safety, animal health, plant protection, and environmental sustainability. Moldova is working to align its rural development programs with the EU’s CAP. This involves adopting measures that support economic diversification, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion in rural areas. Efforts are underway to improve the quality and safety of agricultural products through better standards and certification processes. This is essential for gaining and maintaining access to EU markets. Moldova benefits from various EU funding programs aimed at supporting agricultural and rural development. These funds are used for infrastructure improvements, technological upgrades, and promoting sustainable practices.